What is Icon treatment?

The most common causes of white spots on teeth are damage to the teeth as a child and mineralization disorders where the enamel has a lower density than normal.

If you are concerned about white or brownish stains on your front teeth, there is a treatment for this, called an ICON treatment.

The most common cause of these enamel defects is excessive levels of fluoride in the water when the teeth were forming.

Icon treatment balances out the tooth structure and after treatment, teeth resemble healthy enamel.

How is Icon treatment done?

The treatment starts by cleaning your teeth, then an acid solution is applied to open up the pores in the enamel of the teeth and once the pores are open, the agent is applied a certain number of times to fill the pores and make the white spots disappear. The treatment takes about 60-80 minutes depending on the number of teeth to be treated.

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