Tartar – Essential for Maintaining Optimal Oral Health

Tartar forms when plaque, a bacterial film on the teeth, hardens through mineralization. It’s crucial to remove tartar regularly to prevent severe conditions like gum inflammation and tooth loss. If left untreated, tartar can contribute to long-term damage to both teeth and gums, compromising overall oral health. Tartar buildup is very common and affects almost everyone. Plaque forms when bacteria in your mouth mix with saliva and adhere to the teeth. Although brushing can remove plaque, once it hardens into tartar, only professional cleaning can effectively eliminate it. Tartar tends to accumulate near the gum line, where it can be harder to reach with regular brushing. As tartar progresses, it can lead to more serious dental issues, making preventive care vital for maintaining a healthy mouth.

Symptoms of Tartar

While tartar itself isn’t inherently harmful, its presence can significantly increase the risk of gum disease, such as gingivitis, which can develop into periodontitis (gum disease) if not addressed. Periodontitis leads to the recession of the jawbone, weakening the support for teeth and causing them to become loose. Some common signs of tartar and associated gum disease include:

  • Persistent bad breath.
  • Swollen and tender gums, indicating possible inflammation.
  • Rough, uneven surfaces on the inner parts of the teeth.
  • Yellow-brown discoloration near the gum line.
  • In advanced cases, pus in the gums, leading to an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Loose teeth, a sign of advanced gum disease, often caused by tartar buildup affecting the tooth’s support system.

Book an appointment for tartar removal

To maintain excellent oral health and avoid serious complications, it’s essential to schedule regular appointments with your dentist or dental hygienist for professional cleaning and tartar removal. Timely removal of tartar can significantly reduce the risk of gum inflammation and tooth loss, which are serious oral health conditions. Need to book a tartar removal appointment? Reach out to our experienced dental hygienists today, and take the first step toward a healthier smile!

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