Investigation and Examination

A dental examination involves a thorough examination of the mouth. How often you should seek dental care, the dentist can assess after the examination. An annual inspection is usually recommended. A dental examination includes several steps.

First, general questions are asked about your health and any medication that may affect your dental status.

The second step in the investigation is to clinically examine the teeth. The dentist examines the teeth using a probe and mirror, recording the number of teeth, previous dental treatment, noting the presence of caries and examining the gums. A standard examination is not complete without a careful examination of the surrounding mucosa, tongue and floor of the mouth.

During the examination, your teeth will also be examined using X-rays.

Depending on the need, a different number of pictures are taken. If you have teeth with many restorations or other crowns and bridges, previously root-filled teeth, more images are required than if you have healthy teeth. A simple survey includes 4 images.Intra Oral Camera is another aid that the dentist uses to take pictures, which they show you and document in the medical record.

is another aid that the dentist uses to take pictures, which they show you and document in the medical record. You will also receive a written cost estimate for the proposed treatment.

Dental X-ray in Stockholm

Every patient sitting in the dentist’s chair does not have to be X-rayed. With us, all the Radiation Safety Authority’s rules and guidelines are followed.

If necessary, we may have to take a panoramic radiograph (OPG) to get an overview of both jaws. Panoramic images help dentists to see a wisdom tooth that has not fully emerged or to plan for orthodontics, multiple bridges and crowns, and implants or if hidden infections or diseases in the jaws are suspected. There is an additional cost for panoramic X-rays.

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